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Student Certificate
The components of Stage Three prepare the participant for advanced course work with students.
- Part A: CCC Level 2 Course
In order to begin teaching CCC Levels 2 to students, program participants must successfully complete the online CCC Level 2 Instructor course. The course takes six weeks to complete. Trainees will experience the lessons as clients do, but will also be provided with the instructional how-to’s as they progress through the course along with quizzes and a test at the end of the course to confirm proficiency of the material and its application. Upon completion participants will apply the techniques by teaching two dog/handler teams, and submitting the following for each team:
- A video of the finished product
- A training log recording the number of hours taught
- An instructor evaluation
- Part B: CCC Level 3 Course
Program participants must successfully complete the six week online CCC Level 2 Instructor course in order to begin teaching the Level 3 course to students. Trainees will experience the lessons as clients do, but will also be provided with the instructional how-to’s as they progress through the course along with quizzes and a test at the end of the course to confirm proficiency of the material and its application. Upon completion participants will apply the techniques by teaching two dog/handler teams, and submitting the following for each team:
- A video of the finished product
- A training log recording the number of hours taught
- An instructor evaluation
Once the program participant completes the components of Stage Three and passes the exam, he/she will be eligible to provide all levels of CCC instruction to individuals or groups.
· Instructor Candidates
o Accept registrations
o Correspond confirmation/details – create checklist, include instructor agreement & submission deadline
o What happens during workshop? Do we need an observation checklist?
o After completion of workshop – create verbiage
§ Invite to Proboards & Dropbox
§ Give online course options
§ Updated Instructor Checklist
o Monitor Proboards
o Monitor Dropbox: Review video submissions/logs/evaluations
o After submissions reviewed – Updated Instructor Checklist -create verbiage
o Monitor online Level 1 course
o Correspondence: Updated Instructor Checklist – create verbiage
o Review Level 1 exam submission
o Add to CCC website once Level 1 exam is passed
o Correspondence: Announce certification – create verbiage
o Monitor online Level 2 course
o Correspondence: Updated Instructor Checklist – create verbiage
o Monitor online Level 3 course
o Correspondence: Updated Instructor Checklist – create verbiage
o Review advanced exam submission
o Correspondence: Announce certification – create verbiag