CCC for Rally
Team Jinger’s Story
“Jinger and I have thoroughly enjoyed participating in the on line course Connection Cooperation and Control (CCC). It has made a significant difference in our relationship and Rally training. We needed to find a venue that was calming due to Jinger being fear reactive, and having no self-control. She also has a very high prey drive which led to extreme leash pulling with little to no connection so I decided to try CCC. I love the concept of relationship centered training. I wanted a deeper trusting relationship with Jinger; not a dog that was just obedient. CCC isn’t just about training your dog; CCC helped me understand Jinger in a way to not set her up to fail which increased Jinger’s trust in me and learning how to work as a team. Within just 3 days of working level 1 of CCC and implementing the principals in Rally class Jinger’s transformation was amazing. She was less reactive on leash and more connected to me due to the techniques used that help create clarity and consistency. CCC also offers techniques that help with reactivity and distractions, helping your dog learn to not anticipate and relax. With each week of working CCC I saw Jinger improve. It was obvious in her Rally class how far she had come. Little by little her leash pulling became less and her focus greater. In October 2016 Jinger received her first title in Rally level 1 and placed 2nd, 4th and 5th. This May she competed off leash for the first time in Rally level 2A. We worked as a team. Jinger was connected and focused. We qualified and received 1st place!! I believe the trust and connection we have created in our relationship is stronger due to CCC which makes our success possible in both our relationship and in Rally. Thank you Cindy and Suzanne for creating this AWESOME class!!
Margie & Jinger
Frederick, Maryland
Team Ellie’s Story
After repeated experiences with harsh punishment in the hands of two trainers, Ellie had already been labeled aggressive and was recommended for euthanasia by multiple professionals by the time she was only 12 weeks old, Thankfully Ellie found her forever person, Michelle, at 20 weeks of age. She was already a resource guarder and had zero trust in humans. It took two weeks of patient training for Ellie to feel comfortable with Michelle touching her for the first time. They’ve come a long way since then. With three levels of CCC training under their belts and no formal Rally training Michelle recently entered Ellie in a local Rally trial. Michelle wanted to show how much connection matters in performance. And they certainly did! Team Ellie finished with two second places, with scores of 198 in both. This video shows one of those performances. Michelle is super proud of all they’ve achieved together. She can’t wait to see what the future holds for her happy girl!
Michelle & Ellie
Calgary, Canada